Masters Awards

Masters Awards

  Gold Medallions  

Highly Accomplished Anglers

 Silver Medallions 

Accomplished Anglers 

Bronze Medallions

Ray Dellamarta

Adrian Smajila

Masters Fish Captures

(list of qualifying fish captures)

Masters Updates

(latest fish capture details)

The Masters Award was newly established in July 2004 at the request of members wishing to display a recognised level of angling excellence in addition to the annual competition syllabus. The accumulation of points continues while the member remains a financial member of the club.


1. The Masters Award consists of three levels of achievement; Bronze, Silver and Gold.

2. A lapel badge for each level is presented when attaining the respective competency. Each fish from the listing below is equivalent to one point. Freshwater or saltwater species, or a mixture from either list, can be presented for points accumulation.

3. Five different fish presented from the listing entitles an award to the bronze Masters level. Five additional fish entitles entry to the Silver level, and another five to the Gold level.

            Bronze Master (5 points) in an "Accredited angler".

            Sliver Masters (10 points) is an "Accomplished angler".

            Gold Masters (15 points) is a "Highly accomplished angler".

4. An individual fish species from the listing can only be counted once.

5. A certificate will be awarded for each species weighed-in and accepted towards a Masters Award, awarded at an Ordinary General Meeting, signed by the current Club President.

Upon achievement of a Bronze Masters, a medallion will be presented, similarly for Silver and Gold Masters Award achievements.

Each medallion will be distinctive.

6. Members are encouraged to gain certificate size fish specimens within the organized Club events wherever possible.

7. Weights must be accurately recorded, either on Club scales, or outside certified scales.

If the latter, additional evidence of weight is required by a signed weight form. It is advised to accompany the form with a photo.

Fish specimens are to be weighed as whole fish, not cleaned.

8. Normal angling regulations of the Victorian Fisheries apply.

All disputes relating to the Masters Awards will be resolved by the Angling Committee.

9. Where a dispute arises, the Angling Committee's judgement will be final.

10. Fish species and corresponding weights that count towards the Masters Award are listed below.

Saltwater Species

Australian Salmon



Elephant Fish

Flathead (Dusky)

Flathead (Rock)

Flathead (Sand)

King George Whiting




Pike (Snook)

Shark (Gummy)

Silver Trevally


Southern Bluefin Tuna



Yellowtail Kingfish (1)

Yellowtail Kingfish (2)

Hurdle Weight

2200 grams

2500 grams

1200 grams

4500 grams

3000 grams

800 grams

1500 grams

700 grams

2000 grams

1200 grams

10 kilograms

1800 grams

6000 grams

2000 grams

6500 grams

40 kilograms

900 grams

1500 grams

5000 grams

10 kilograms

Freshwater Species

Atlantic Salmon

Australian Bass

Blackfish (Southern)

Brown Trout

Chinook Salmon

Estuary Perch

Golden Perch

Macquarie Perch

Murray Cod

Rainbow Trout


Hurdle Weight

3500 grams

1000 grams

600 grams

3000 grams

3500 grams

1000 grams

3000 grams

1000 grams

6000 grams

2500 grams

1350 grams

(1) Initial Kingfish hurdle weight - pre start of 2006-2007 season

(2) Revised Kingfish hurdle weight - post start of 2006-2007 season